Welcome to ArkLaTex Adventures.

Hey, I’m Nichole!
Welcome to ArkLaTex Adventures, your home for things to do across the Four States Area. Where’s that? It loosely includes southwest Arkansas, northwest Louisiana, east Texas and I like to throw in southeast Oklahoma.
At the heart of this region is the city of Texarkana, which I’ve called home for over ten years. ArkLaTex Adventures is based in Texarkana but delivers content from within a 3 to 5 hour driving radius of the city.
Who am I? You can find me on Instagram and Facebook under the name Coleyraeh, or on my other blog. I am a content creator and influencer who has been exploring all over the ArkLaTex with my family. Yes, we homeschool, but we rarely stay home. Read more about me here. Come explore with us and see all that Texarkana and beyond has to offer.
Let’s go explore.
Are you looking for things to do?
I can help with that! I have a free download for you that has over 120 things to do in the ArkLaTex. This list isn’t comprehensive, but I guarantee you’ll find something fun to do. It includes both indoor and outdoor adventures. These adventures are based in Texarkana and the surrounding area within a two to two and a half hour drive. Want the FREE checklist? Tap the image below to get it!